Why do certain students achieve greater success than others? Despite various potential reasons, it often comes down to one crucial thing.
Successful students know the benefits of good habits and implement them in their studies. These habits provide them with the framework necessary to achieve their objectives.
To help you achieve success in your academic pursuits, TCS has compiled a roster of 45 beneficial habits for students to implement daily. Adopting these habits will make you a happier, healthier, and more accomplished student.
Top 45 Habits of Successful Students

1. Regularly update your calendar with key dates and events.
A calendar is an excellent way to stay on track day after day and plan for the future. Utilising a calendar for school-related activities is crucial for students to maintain organisation. Whether it’s a physical calendar or an online one like Google Calendar, you can use it to keep track of test dates, project deadlines, and term breaks. By doing so, you’ll remain well-prepared at all times.
2. Write down the three to five most important tasks for the day.
It’s easy to miss and delay important tasks when you don’t have a written list to keep you on track. When you write down the three to five most important tasks for the day, you will concentrate on crucial tasks rather than just the ones that are not urgent. If you desire to enhance your study habits and boost productivity, begin practising this behaviour right away.
3. Perform focused deep breathing for two minutes.
Stress harms academic achievement, but there is a simple remedy. Evidence shows that deep breathing can effectively lower stress and let you regain self-control. Allocate two minutes of your time each day to practice concentrated deep breathing. TCS suggests incorporating these deep breathing techniques into your routine just before taking tests and exams to alleviate stress.
4. Read your favourite inspirational quote.
Take a moment to read an inspiring quote that you love. I particularly like this quote from Jim Rohn: “Instead of wishing for things to be easier, wish to improve yourself.” If you don’t have a favourite quote, check out our Instagram page and look through other tips and inspirational quotes.
5. Perform a random act of kindness.
Feeling better about yourself and your life in general can be achieved by developing the great practice of doing a spontaneous act of kindness daily. This beneficial behaviour doesn’t require a significant amount of time. It can be as effortless as offering a sincere compliment or giving up your seat on the bus.
6. Work on your most challenging task during your most productive time of day.
It’s best to take on your most difficult task when mentally and physically awake. This approach will help you complete the task efficiently and make the rest of your day more productive.
7. Write down at least one thing you’re thankful for.
Do you appreciate your friends? What about your family? And how about your education? Expressing gratitude is a beneficial practice for students to engage in every day. Dedicate a few minutes to jot down something you’re grateful for. This beneficial practice will contribute to your long-term success and overall happiness.
8. Have your breakfast within the first 30 minutes of waking up.
Don’t underestimate the importance of having breakfast regularly. Skipping breakfast might seem justifiable, but it’s not advisable.
Within half an hour of waking up, eat breakfast, as it’s the most crucial meal of the day. Eating breakfast will provide you with the energy required to tackle the day.
9. Drink at least 3 litres of water every day.
Drinking water offers incredible health benefits. It’s an old proverb that one should drink eight glasses of water daily, but nowadays, most students have tumblers that are easier to measure than glasses. Adopt this practice, and your body will thank you in the future.
10. Exercise for at least 15 minutes.
Making time for a long workout at the gym may be difficult, but incorporating a brief daily exercise session is a crucial healthy practice for students. Allocating 15 minutes for physical activity is achievable for everyone. This could involve taking a quick walk or engaging in callisthenics. Eventually, you’ll notice increased energy levels and a reduction in the frequency of illnesses.
11. Get five minutes of sun.
Make sure to add spending time outdoors to your lineup of healthy routines! Getting your daily sunshine offers numerous advantages. For instance, it boosts cognitive abilities, improves sleep quality, and lowers the likelihood of specific types of cancer. I’m sure those benefits will make you rethink confining yourself indoors for the entire day!
12. Do something that scares you.
Building courage and developing confidence is best achieved by doing things outside your comfort zone. Facing your fears can be intimidating, so I suggest starting with small steps. Be strategic, make a list of your fears, and choose a small action you can take today to conquer at least one of them.
13. Spend time with like-minded people whom you want to learn from.
Interact with people during your day as a student. Allocate time to be with individuals with similar interests and from whom you wish to gain knowledge. These individuals will influence your mindset and guide bettering your life.
14. Go to bed and wake up at roughly the same time every day.
It’s difficult to feel fully rested when your sleeping patterns are inconsistent. While it may be challenging to establish a precise bedtime and wake-up time daily, aim to stay within a 30-minute range. Again, your body will thank you.

15. Get at least eight hours of sleep every night.
Many students find it challenging to adopt the healthy habit of getting sufficient sleep. Most individuals require a minimum of eight hours of sleep per night for optimal bodily functions. If you’re not there yet, gradually arrange your timetable to ensure you are moving toward this objective.
16. Follow a bedtime routine.
Developing a nighttime routine is a helpful habit for achieving eight hours of sleep. If you don’t have a nighttime schedule, you might struggle to relax and get ready for sleep. Start creating a consistent routine that you can stick to every night. This could be as basic as:
- Showering
- Dimming the lights
- Listening to calming music
- Reading a few pages of your preferred book
- Journaling for a couple of minutes
- Turning off the lights
17. Set up your phone to receive reminders for things you must do.
Using a reminder or task app such as Google Tasks, you can transform your phone into your personal helper. Customise your device to prompt you for tasks you need to complete, an upcoming appointment with your advisor, or a phone call you have to make.
18. Establish a system of rewards and punishments when trying to break a bad habit.
It can be incredibly challenging to break bad habits. To provide an extra motivator, establish a system of rewards and consequences. Reward yourself when you achieve milestones, and impose a penalty when you regress. This approach ensures that you are answerable and helps you to modify the habit sooner rather than later.
19. If you encounter something you don’t understand in school, seek clarification on the same day.
Even top students do not grasp every concept immediately. When faced with a lack of comprehension regarding a topic discussed in class, it addresses your uncertainties on the same day. Developing this practice will help you stay on top of the subject matter.
20. Develop a study plan for any upcoming examinations.
If you don’t have a solid study schedule that helps you focus, you won’t have the organisation necessary to effectively prepare for an upcoming test or exam. Make your plan precise and detailed, and include specific deadlines. If you adopt one habit from this list, this should be it!
21. Be at least five minutes early for every appointment.
Arriving tardy for a scheduled meeting is never advisable. It’s beneficial for students to be present five minutes ahead of every appointment, as this will alleviate your anxiety and demonstrate to the other party how much you value the appointment.
22. Review your homework list.
Realising that an assignment is due the next day when you haven’t started is extremely frustrating. To prevent this from happening, keep your homework list up to date and integrate it with reminders on your phone (refer to Point #17 above).
23. Before starting work, ensure you have all the materials and resources you need.
Being organised is crucial for achieving your academic objectives. Before starting with any task, ensure that you have all the necessary items, such as notes, stationery, textbooks, and a calculator. This not only helps in organising your school-related activities but also helps you avoid unnecessary disruptions and distractions.
24. Use mnemonic devices whenever possible.
If you want to memorise the electromagnetic spectrum, you could use a mnemonic like this:
Ricky (Radio)
Martin (Microwaves)
Is (Infrared)
Very (Visible)
Unique (Ultraviolet) and
eXtremely (X-rays)
Glamorous (Gamma rays)
Mnemonic devices like this can help you learn information more quickly and assist with recall. Try it and create your own!
25. Focus on one task at a time; don’t multitask.
Don’t multitask. Studies have indicated that it is not physically possible to multitask. Research indicates that multitasking hurts productivity. If you believe multitasking makes you more productive, you are deceiving yourself. Therefore, select one task to concentrate on and stick with it until it is completed. Adopting this study habit alone will significantly improve your academic performance!
26. To prepare for work, eliminate all potential distractions.
There are various methods to minimise interruptions while studying.
Prior to starting your study session, remove as many distractions as possible, such as your phone, the Internet, games, and unnecessary notes on your study desk.
27. Divide large tasks into more manageable chunks.
Starting your studies isn’t enjoyable, and pushing yourself through a prolonged study session will exacerbate the situation. Taking down a huge task, like a 10-page report, might seem overwhelming. But breaking it into ten writing sessions, each focused on a page, will make completing the report much more achievable. Using this approach will help you overcome procrastination effectively.
28. Whenever possible, do your homework around the same time and place daily.
It’s important to set up a homework schedule just like you establish a sleep routine to prevent procrastination.
Setting a specific time and place for doing your homework will enhance your productivity and help you finish your assignments more efficiently. It’s important to set up a homework schedule, just like you establish a sleep routine, to prevent procrastination.
29. Check through your homework after you’ve completed it.
As you near completing a homework assignment, you’ll probably begin considering how to spend your break. Nevertheless, avoid labelling the task as “complete” until you’ve thoroughly checked it for mistakes. This additional effort will prove advantageous in the future!

30. Take regular breaks – at least once every hour.
Research tells us that incorporating regular breaks helps with focus and productivity. A brief break every hour will help keep you alert, enabling you to sustain peak concentration for extended periods.
31. Allow yourself some small reward after you complete a major task.
Reward systems are effective not only for young children but also for higher-level students. Give yourself rewards to motivate you to complete tasks in a timely manner.
32. Organise your notes and assignments.
Being well-prepared is crucial for doing well in school, so develop effective routines for managing your schoolwork. Allocate 5 to 10 minutes daily to sort out your notes and tasks. This will prevent you from scrambling to locate the materials you require when studying for your upcoming test or exam.
33. Clear your study table at the end of each day.
At the end of every day, tidy up your study table. This will help you have a clean slate for the next day. Starting your day with a clutter-free desk is a good way to boost your motivation.
34. Read for at least 10 minutes a day.
Engaging in regular reading offers numerous advantages, such as a lower likelihood of developing Alzheimer’s disease and reducing stress levels. It is essential to make reading a daily habit. TCS advises incorporating reading into your evening schedule.
35. Consider this question whenever you encounter a challenge: “What single action can I take to improve the situation?”
Most people avoid a problem or attempt to solve it based on instinct. Avoid doing this. Instead, identify the one action you can take at a given moment to improve the situation. While this may not instantly resolve your issue, it will set you on the path to doing so.
36. Ask for help if necessary.
Do not make it a habit to depend on others for solutions, but it is perfectly fine to seek assistance when you encounter difficulties. Research also indicates that seeking advice creates a positive impression on others.
37. Learn something outside the syllabus.
Education has a structured curriculum, but life’s lessons are not as clearly defined. Cultivating a habit of learning for the sheer joy of learning is beneficial for students and will have lifelong rewards. TCS recommends making it a habit to delve into a book, enroll in an online course, or acquire a new skill.
The Internet offers abundant resources, making valuable information just a click away.
38. Spend a few minutes reflecting on the day gone by.
When the day is over, review and contemplate the day’s events. Did you move closer to achieving your objectives? What accomplishments and setbacks did you experience? What positive (and not-so-positive) choices did you make? By incorporating this uncomplicated introspection practice, you can better yourself daily.
39. Spend at least 15 minutes talking to your family.
This might sound cheesy, but our family holds immense significance in our lives. Make time to connect with them and the world, so appreciate it and don’t underestimate it.
40. Spend 20 minutes doing something that relaxes you.
Perhaps you find relaxation in listening to music to calm your mind and body. Alternatively, you might find pleasure in reading. No matter what you enjoy, allocate 20 minutes daily for a relaxing activity. This practice will contribute to your ability to remain composed, serene, and optimistic.
41. Take notes during class.
Engaging in note-taking during class will not only enhance your focus but will also assist you in pinpointing key areas to review when it’s time for exams. Reviewing your notes is far more effective than re-reading your entire textbook!
42. Manage your study space.
Discover a location that will optimise your efficiency. Seek out areas free from television and other distractions. Whether it’s a nearby library or simply a designated area at your bedroom desk, establish a study environment in which you’ll enjoy spending time.
43. Find a study group.
Gathering with a cohort of individuals studying the same subjects as you provides a beneficial opportunity to review perplexing course content or prepare for a major exam. It enables you to test each other, recapitulate information, and ensure everyone fully comprehends the material. Ultimately, instructing someone else is the most effective method of learning.
44. Ask questions.
You are at school to gain knowledge, so don’t hesitate to do exactly that! Seeking assistance – from a teacher, a tutor, or your peers – is a guaranteed method to ensure you genuinely comprehend the material.

45. Bonus: Start with just one new good habit.
Remember, this list of good habits is for students to practice every day, and you have the power to make a difference. Forming a new habit takes, at a minimum, 21 days, so there’s no such thing as immediate success. But we assure you, the effort will be worthwhile.
As you establish positive habits, you will notice beneficial changes. You’ll transform into a healthier, more efficient, and more successful student. So, start today today!
No matter your educational goals, we have skilled tutors available to provide support through one-to-one subject tutoring and test preparation coaching. Request a tutor today and enjoy the long-term benefits of home tuition!
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